Our top tips for nutrition & snacking
The mouth is the gateway to the body. Dental health and body health go hand in hand. We love helping you create snacking and eating habits that make for healthier teeth, bodies and minds. Eating for dental health comes down to three things: sugar content frequency of PH change in the mouth amount of time […]
Save a tooth, wear a mouth guard!
Teeth may be as tough as a turtle shell, but they’re no match for a line-drive, soccer ball or elbow to the jaw. Faster than you can say “OUCH!,” a tooth can break, move or get knocked out. The best way to protect your teeth? Wear a mouth guard. This simple piece of moldable plastic […]
Be a know-it-all on xylitol
Xylitol is a naturally occurring sweetener found in the fibers of many fruits and vegetables. Compared to sugar, it has fewer calories and zero carbohydrates. But what’s really exciting about xylitol is that it’s a tooth-friendly sugar. Along with not encouraging tooth decay, it has been shown to actively aid in repairing minor cavities caused […]
The facts on fluoride
Fluoride is a naturally occurring element that is abundant in soil, rocks and the earth’s crust. Good thing there’s lots of it, because it’s also nature’s answer to tooth decay. Fluoride helps prevent cavities in five different ways: Fluoride makes teeth more resistant to decay. It works its way into the structure of the tooth […]
Avoiding big problems in tiny teeth
Everyone knows that baby teeth fall out — usually starting around age six. So if a baby tooth develops a cavity, does it really need to be treated? After all, it’s just going to fall out. Simply put, a cavity is a cavity and needs to be filled. Healthy baby teeth are important for speaking, […]
Get schooled on sippies
Quick, what’s the biggest cause of cavities in young children? Sippy cups and bottles – or more specifically, what’s in them. When kids sip sugary beverages in-between meals or at bedtime, their teeth are exposed to a higher risk of decay. So the best idea is to serve water all day, and save milk or […]
The straight line on crooked teeth and braces
Spacing between the front teeth will often close as the rest of the permanent teeth grow in. Crooked teeth, however, are not the same. When the front teeth are crowded to begin with, the crowding increases as the rest of the permanent teeth break through. Put another way, when 10 permanent teeth try and fit […]
The scoop on sealants
Ever wonder what your back teeth look like? Viewed from above the molars look a lot like a mountain range, complete with deep canyons, valleys and plenty of ridges. Surprisingly, these canyons or grooves can be quite deep. Unfortunately, the deeper the groove, the harder it is to keep it clean – especially at the […]
Pediatric Dental X-Rays
A recent study published in the American Socity of Cancer’s journal, CANCER, associating frequent dental X-rays with an increased risk of developing meningioma–the most commonly diagnosed brain tumor–has resulted in much discussion among dental professionals and patients about the risks and benefits of radiographs (the term for pictures taken with X-rays), particularly for children. Even […]
The truth about teeth: Baby vs. Adult
There are a total of 20 baby teeth — 10 on the top, 10 on the bottom. For most kids, baby teeth are usually present by age two, begin to fall out by age six and are completely gone by age 13. But keep in mind that when it comes to teeth, everyone is different. […]
What the pediatric dentist says: Fluoride and your child
A few days ago we shared a link via social media to a New York Times article regarding new guidelines from the American Dental Association recommending the use of fluoride toothpaste at an earlier age. One of our wonderful, bright and involved parents responded immediately, posting: “But fluoride is TOXIC! Or is that hippie propaganda?” […]
Tricks for handling Halloween treats
Most people might think that Halloween is a pediatric dentist’s nightmare, but that is not necessarily the case. “I know that kids are going to eat candy–and probably lots of it–at this time of year,” said Dr. Cate Quas. “The real trick is to not let the treats get the upper hand.” Dr. Cate (and the American […]