“Inside Edition,” a nationally-syndicated newsmagazine show, recently aired a story investigating the use of papoose boards by dentists. While the segment focused on one particular dentist in California, it raises the issue of proper use of protective stabilization for pediatric dental patients in general.
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry supports the use of protective stabilization under the right circumstances and used with the appropriate informed consent, as one of a number of behavior guidance options. There are various behavior guidance techniques, all of which must be tailored to the individual patient. Options should be discussed extensively with parents and/or caregivers and implemented only with appropriate informed consent. Learn more about the Guideline on Behavior Guidance for the Pediatric Dental Patient from the AAPD.
At Bluefish a patient stabilizer or papoose board is utilized only for very specific situations which could include emergency treatment or behavioral management. We do not utilize the papoose board for routine treatment. Our specialty is working with children of all ages and all levels of cooperation; our ability to manage and promote compliant behavior minimizes the necessity of a stabilization device.
In the rare case where a patient might benefit from the use of protective stabilization the decision to proceed is made only with full understanding and support from the patient’s parents and/or caregivers. No treatment is ever completed without the consent of the parent, who is present at all times during treatment.
Our experience is that most dental treatment, including emergencies, can be completed in a traditional manner without the use of protective stabilization. However, in some situations the use of a papoose with parental consent and presence can be of assistance in providing necessary dental care.
As always, please contact us if you have any concerns or questions, we welcome your communication. Bend: 541.317.1887; Redmond: 541.923.1300.